The Management Board of the AIEA are all volunteers and receive no payment for their services. We do pay for a part-time secretariat service which manages our daily administration tasks and is the first point of contact for most enquiries.
The Vice Chair and Chairman are elected positions with each holding a tenure for two years. The remaining members of the Board will serve up to 4 years before automatically retiring to allow new members to join the Board.
The Management Board seeks to satisfy the needs of the membership and constantly tries to ensure those needs are being met. The Board also tries to develop strong working relations with our suppliers and further try to develop advantageous agreements with those suppliers.
The admin team can be reached by email here – A response will normally be received within 48 hrs of making contact but we will get back to you !
Chris Walls
Sabine Edwards
Vice Chair
Pauline Caldaralo
Sam Hetherington
Supplier Liaison
Sally Clift
Jules Alexander
Associate Director
Aimee Nicholas
Associate Director
Charlie Linton
Associate Director